Gérald Arev Kurdian
Music, visuals & dj sets for the alternatives to come

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Just like classics of Z cinema (Godzilla, Plan 9 from Outer space ...), the project LA SOLIDITÉ DES CHOSES calls on the imaginary crossing body mutations, technological breakthroughs and power politics.
It questions the influence of progress and in particular domestic technologies (computers, tablets, smartphones) on our selves, our imaginations, our perception of reality.
By observing the very human need to overcome disappearance (via fame, reproduction, resilience) and its inevitable relationship to power (via marketing, performance, heritage), it disturbs the solidity of our means, what allows for us perspective (nature, science, the imagination, the ideal, the common , etc) and what stops it (the depletion of resources, minds, communities).
It is, in other words, a journey between the solidity of our things and the liquidity of our virtual worlds.


Théâtre de l’Usine / Genève (Ch)
Scène Nationale / Orléans (Fr)
ActOral / Marseille (Fr)
Usine C / Montréal (Ca)
Festival VIA / Maubeuge (Fr)
Kunst Museum /Luzern (Ch)

BUDA / Kortrik (Be)
Festival ACTIONS / Dijon (Fr)

Who ?

Concept & Performance
Gérald Kurdian

Sound technique
Adrien Gentizon

Mylène Lauzon

Fanny Lacour & Julien Princiaux

Le Manège / Maubeuge (fr)
BUDA / Kortrijk (be)
WUK / Vienna (au)