Gérald Arev Kurdian
Music, visuals & dj sets for the alternatives to come

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(Music Composition & Live Performance)
Elsewhere Rhapsody_Jen Rosenblit
El Solito_Catalina Insignares
Les Pédales et leurs ami.e.s_Cy Lecerf Maulpoix

(Music Composition)
Echo_Vanasay Khampommala 
Bocas de Oro_Marcela Santander 

(Music Composition & Live Performance)
Black_Screen_Issues_Sleeping_Displays_Carin Klonowsky 

Concha_Marcela Santander 

No Gambling_Simone Aughterlony

(Music Composition)
Bug_Emmanuel Daumas
Everybody’s Fantasy_Jen Rosenblit

(Music Composition)
Orphée Aphone_Vanasay Khampommala
L'Heureux Stratagème_Emmanuel Daumas

(Music Composition & Live Performance)
I'm gonna need another one_Jen Rosenblit
It's a Balancing Act to Live without your Attention_Philipp Gehmacher
L'Ame Humaine sous le Socialisme_Geoffroy Rondeau

(Music Composition)
L'invocation à la muse_Vanasay Khampommala

(Music Composition)
Die Dinge der Welt_Philipp Gehmacher

(Music Composition)
Treasured in the Dark_Thiago Granato  

(Music Composition & Live Performance)
A Pathfinder's Rhapsody_Céline Cartillier

(Film Score)
Le plus petit Appartement de Paris (Festival de Cannes - Collection Canal +)_Helena Villovitch


(Music Composition & Live Performance)
My Shapes, Yours Words, Their Grey_Philipp Gehmacher

Say Something_Philipp Gehmacher

(Film Score)
Déchirés, Grave_Vincent Dieutre

(Music Composition & Live Performance)
Nos jours absolument doivent être illuminés_Jean Gabriel Périot 

(Music Composition)
United States_Elpida Orfanidou & Hermann Heisig


(Music Composition & Live Performance)
Clean Room_Juan Dominguez

(Film Score)
Paramount_Arnold Pasquier

(Music Composition & Live Performance)
Evaporated Landscapes_Mette Ingvarsten 

Giant City_Mette Ingvarsten
At Large_Eleanor Bauer

(Film Score)
Ce que nous savons_Louise Hervé, Chloé Maillet