ARCHIVE NOW is a radio project written in the context and with the actors of the contemporary choreographic field.
Halfway between sound creation and documentary, it consists of a cut-up of audio documents themselves taken from spaces specific to choreographic creation (festivals, theaters, studios, stages, conferences, etc.). He tries to unfold the challenges of an environment where the collective is inseparable from the idea of creation while using the sensitive and kinesthetic properties of its sound environment. It is a radio-broadcast program in which certain research phases are exposed to the public in the form of live concerts as part of the event in which they participate.
Having as its main axis a questioning of archiving, ARCHIVE NOW would therefore become, over time, a collection of records each containing a sound piece attached to a unique place-moment.
Concept and composition
Gérald Kurdian and Caroline Masini
Concept and composition
Gérald Kurdian and Caroline Masini